Sunday, April 16, 2006

Shirley and Michel's Excellent Adventure

Our Third Annual Once in a Lifetime Trip

This giraffe photo was taken in Kruger Park in South Africa on our last trip in October 2005. South Africa is a beautiful country, so rich and fertile, and Kruger is amazing. I wanted to see the whole park so we drove up to the North, entering at Punda Maria gate, and then over the course of 5 days drove down to the bottom. We saw far more animals that we saw in Namibia on a previous trip, and you didn't have to drive from waterhole to waterhole as you do in Namibia, so it was much more natural seeing the animals in their environment.

We stayed the first night in a permanent tented safari tent, it was brand new and totally luxurious (well not the Hyatt but for the adventures of Shirley and Michel it was luxury) You go out first thing in the morning and drive around the myriad of roads until you see something. You have to keep a close eye out, you wouldn't think it would be hard to see a full sized elephant but they can hide under trees in shadows and you would never see them. The only way we spotted a lion and lioness at the start of the day was by the number of cars stopped at the side of the road! Sunrise and Sunset are the best times to see animals, during the heat of the day they sleep in the shade and it can be awfully difficult to see them.